The pullets and what I believe to be two out of 20 that are roosters enjoy the interior with hanging water and feed vessels, a roost and pelletized bedding on the floor which is 3/4 inch rubber mats over the OSB floor which was also painted/sealed with Kilz2 paint. Since the entire structure is primarily 2X4S and OSB, we sealed the majority of the chicken interior prior to moving them in.
This is a view of the structure from the NE corner that shows the door and 2X2 window on the east and the a 2X6 window on the north that provides light and ventilation to the chicken area. The smaller window and door are for the feed area. The siding is preprimed and all the bare wood has also been well primed with Kilz2 and well caulked by Master Caulker, Al.
This is the SW corner. The run will be on the south and obviously you can see the chicken-sized door that will allow us to give access to the yard or deny access to the coop (for cleaning, etc.) as we see fit. The west and south have no windows. Might have been nice for light but more interested in summer heat reduction.
This is just a straight on shot of the south side. Next blog about this will be later this month when we can afford to buy the dog kennel panels that will make the chicken run.
This is the direct shot from the east which is what we see from our kitchen window. The yard which will be to the left of what you see will also be visible so we will get to enjoy the colorful flock from the house and yard. Yet they are far enough away, we should not be smelling them. :-) Knowing how horrible that this blogspot is to manage pictures, hopefully you can look at the pictures and from wherever they land, you can get a feel for how it sits on the property.