Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!

No pictures in this blog, but just want to report in since it has been 10 days since the last blog. We have had quite a week. The front that moved through left a lot of snow north of us but we mostly got the benefit of the wind (for electric generation) and pretty cold temperatures. We have the water tank heaters that we plug in when we know the temperature is going to go below freezing. Since all the does have been bred, it is important for them to have plenty of water to help with the gestation process.

Today we were in the high 60s and there is no trace of a snow storm left at our house. But we have had two storm systems in October that threatened clobbering conditions that did not materialize at the Matrix Compound. Granted, the goats were not loving life eating outside but they did as we have a herd of survivors. Since their natural body temperature is a couple degrees higher than humans, they have the mechanisms to deal with the cold.

This does make us wonder what we are in store for the rest of the dark seasons. I HATE that tomorrow we will wake up in a different time zone and we will have no evening light at all. It just annoys the shit out of me. But I will live.

Happy Halloween!

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