Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Forms Are Set

Our wind generator foundation shaft is ready for concrete!And the trench and wiring are ready to be covered.

I will make an attempt to explain this form. Those of you who are technical may laugh at my humble explaination but all in all it shall enrich some. :-)

Those 8 lugnuts are on the top of the bolts I described in a precious blog about the bolts. There are two of those 8-point snowflakes that are spaced by 2 X 4's as part of the form. After the concrete is poured and hardened enough, the lugnuts are removed and the forms are are taken off to be reused on another pour.

The then exposed 5 or so inches of bolt will then be where the pole that holds the generator will be lowered, lined up and bolted down.

Next steps include (I assume) waiting for El Paso County to perform the open hole inspection so that they can pour concrete and reclaim the surface over the trench.

More photos at

==End of Chapter==

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