Our generator project entails less trenching that most for two reasons. Number one, we made the decision to spend a bit more and move our home's "main" under the new net meter which will have to breakers in it. The breaker for the 200 amp service to the home (thus converting the home breaker box into a seconday) and a 20 amp breaker through which the generator feeds. Secondly, after that decision was made, it aligned with the decision to place the generator in the South pasture which is near the pole.
As with the previous post with many pictures and lack of control in the blogger to place pictures, this blog includes a link to my Webshots picture portal for todays captures. The photos follow the sequence of the events so if you so desire you can watch it from start to finish at: http://community.webshots.com/album/574314664QdRxOV
The guys will be back in the morning to set the bolts in place. Not sure how they do that and secure them prior to concrete being poured but I guess we shall see. Open hole inspections has been ordered but their lack of experience in El Paso County leaves them with no track record on how quickly they respond. The goal is to get it early tomorrow so concrete can be poured tomorrow or at the latest Wednesday.
Stay tuned for more tomorrow!
==End of Chapter==
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